Once you have pulled through your dreaded waxing services appointment, you may assume everything’s done, but there’s actually one important thing left to do: apply some diligent post-waxing care. After waxing, it is essential to adhere to a few basic guidelines. Remember that a small amount of precaution will go a long way in preventing some really irritating side effects that could ruin your wax.
Despite the inherent safety of waxing, it does induce a condition of heightened sensitivity in the epidermis for a duration of around 24 to 36 hours. During this time frame, it is imperative to implement specific measures in order to alleviate skin irritation and maintain the desired outcomes of the waxing procedure. Likewise, it is advisable to refrain from engaging in some additional elements in order to mitigate the likelihood of encountering dermatological conditions such as ingrown hairs, bacterial infections, rashes, irritation, redness, and scars. This analysis will explore the recommended practices and precautions for post-waxing care at Maroc Hamam Spa:
Do’s of After-Waxing Services
Apply a Post-emollient
Post-waxing care is prioritized by the use of post-depilatory products. Your esthetician will undoubtedly carry this product. However, if you are contemplating DIY waxing, you should also acquire one. Post-depilatory products serve multiple purposes, including removing waxy residue, calming the skin, and preventing red blemishes and ingrown hairs. The Depilsense Ayurveda post-depilatory tonic is an excellent choice because it contains special ingredients that protect and aid in the recovery of skin after waxing. Additionally, it significantly retards hair growth, extending the time between waxing services. Consider that your skin must return to its natural state, so why not assist it with a product that restores its optimal pH, such as this post-depilatory acid cream? After waxing, it brightens the epidermis and has soothing and moisturizing properties.
Utilize Cold Compressions.
Cold compresses are excellent for soothing red skin and reducing the appearance of red blemishes, irritation, and inflammation. You can also massage the waxed epidermis with an ice cube. If this sensation is unbearable, allow the ice crystal to melt on a sponge puff before compressing your skin with it.
Think about Cool Gels
Cool gels containing naturally soothing ingredients, such as aloe vera or tea tree oil, can also be used to soothe recently waxed skin. After your appointment, you can apply them frequently for a few days to refresh and safeguard the area.
Keep Clothing Loose and Fabrics Unaltered
Immediately following your waxing session at Maroc Hamam Spa, don loose clothing. If you have just received a bikini or Brazilian, don a pair of clean, comfortable knickers. This is done to prevent perspiration and rubbing, which could increase the risk of irritation or infection. Similarly, natural fibers such as cotton are much gentler on the skin than synthetic fibers such as spandex or polyester, which prevent the skin from breathing correctly.
At the Right Time, Exfoliate and Moisturize
Two to three days following waxing services is the optimal time for exfoliation. Your pores will be sealed and your epidermis will have healed. Moisturize on the first or second day after waxing to avoid obstructing pores and exposing skin to harsh chemicals and fragrances.
Utilize Antibacterial or Hydrocortisone Creams
Under the guidance of an expert from Maroc Hamam Spa, you will be able to prevent inflammation, stinging, irritation, and rashes.
Choose Only Reputable Brands
Your epidermis constitutes the largest organ in your body. It merits quality care; do not take chances! Ensure that you only use high-quality, professional-grade products prescribed or suggested by a specialist.
Don’ts of Post-Waxing Care
Do Not Immediately Apply Oily or Drying Skin Products
This includes body butters, body washes that are heavily perfumed or colored, sprays, lotions, and deodorants. Vaseline and oily products can obstruct pores and cause bumps on freshly waxed, sensitive skin.
Avoid Picking at Ingrown Hairs.
If you detect ingrown hairs after waxing, wait at least 48 hours, then exfoliate the waxed area, paying special attention to the ingrown hairs. The wound can then be treated with an antiseptic ointment. If exfoliation does not remove the ingrown hair, attempt a lotion designed to remove ingrown hairs.
Swimming is not Allowed
Wait at least 48 hours after waxing before entering the shore or pool. Salt water may further sensitize your skin and cause pimples on recently waxed skin. The chlorine in pool water can also be abrasive on sensitive skin, in addition to the fact that swimming pools may contain bacteria that can cause an infection.
Participate in No Physical Activity.
It may seem extreme to refrain from exercising because you’ve recently waxed, but this is merely a preventative measure. Sweat (and the bacteria that flourish on sweaty skin) and friction may do more harm than good to your sensitive skin, so why take the risk? If you exercise, keep your routine mild. Also, avoid sexual activity for at least 48 hours after intimate grooming.
Do Not Schedule an Appointment for Chemical Peeling.
The superficial layer of epidermis cells have been removed by waxing. Peeling would only remove these layers more deeply, thereby increasing the risk of skin injury in the form of irritation, dryness, or infection. Wait until your epidermis has completely normalized, a minimum of 36 to 72 hours.